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Cult of the Drive-in - A Solo Film Curation Game

Cult of the Drive-in

Become part of drive-in history, as the curator of your very own drive-in movie theater, open Friday-Sunday every week.

You have been tasked with curating double features across 14 weekends, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, while also coming up with a few other surprises for your patrons.

We hope this will be a fun way to discover some new movies, while rediscovering some old favorites.

"Cult of the Drive-In" is a solo TTRPG, but it's also a love letter to films and drive-in movie theaters around the world.

Cards and dice will help you pick feature films and special events. The game can take hours or weeks, depending on how you play.


Cult of the Drive-in is now available for purchase as a phyiscal book through Lulu, or a downloadble PDF through or DriveThruRPG.

About the author: Brian Transplant is a punk musician, writer, pixel artist, and game designer from Michigan. He once met a man named HUGO and has heard of ORIGINS, but never attended. In summers, he makes semi-regular trips to drive-ins to see whatever's showing.

Cult of the Drive-in by Brian Transplant is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International